Friday, December 18, 2009

Is there any way besides baby powder to get my baby's skin to dry QUICKLY?

I know I'm not supposed to use baby powder because it can get in her lungs, but the cream says not to put it on until her skin is dry, and that seems to take a really long time with just air-drying, and meanwhile I have a baby with no diaper on (which is kind of like a ticking time bomb.) Is there anything safe I can use to speed up the process? Or can I put the cream on when it's still just slightly damp?Is there any way besides baby powder to get my baby's skin to dry QUICKLY?
Corn starch is much better than baby powder. Yes it is for baking and thickening gravy but is very effective. Corn starch absorbs and baby powder tends to make more of a paste that sticks to the skin. I usually apply diaper cream and put corn starch over the whole area. If the rash begins to seep to the point that the diaper cream won't even go on the skin, just use the corn starch until it dries up and then apply the cream. Also, sometimes it's not a diaper rash but candida and you should use an anti-fungal cream like Lotrimin instead of diaper cream, you can usually tell it's candida if the diaper cream isn't healing the rash. Good luck.Is there any way besides baby powder to get my baby's skin to dry QUICKLY?
use john son baby soap
listen i have a 7 moth boy im surprised u dont know its okay 2 put it on there even with the skin still damp.dony u have 2 kids?if your still confused call the oncall doctor
Why are you putting diper rash cream on a baby that doesnt have diaper rash? This is medicine, Not a good Idea. I have found that corn starch works better for diaper rash than any cream and is also a fraction of the cost plus it is not medication
First of all, all mother use baby powder. I don't know who told you not to use it. It isn't like you are putting it on the baby's face. Use a dry face cloth if you want her skin to dry faster. Mothers put diaper rash cream on just after wiping with wipes, it doesn't make a difference if it is damp or dry.
They make a liquid baby powder now that you can try.
My son had a problem with CHAFFING when he was a baby. If I didn't put anything on him he would chaff,If I put a diaper on him when he was wet,he would chaff...I found this can of A%26amp;D ointment for diaper rashes.It looks kinda like a spray pump bottle and you can use it when they are wet, It really worked.My son is now 6 and I still have to put it under his sac after bath time.If the baby does get a rash that stuff will take it away in a few hours.I now swear by it.It blows Desitin and Balmex out of the water. Hope this helps
i used boudrose butt paste, not baby powder
First off you are supposed to put baby powder in the diaper area anymore. That what our grandparents used to do. Pat the area dry do not rub! I know you say its a ticking time bomb but Dr.'s allsay you should allow your baby freedom from the diaper as much as you can give. I always drape the towel over my son while I rub lotion on his body. By the time I'm ready to put cream (desitan/ a%26amp; d, ..... any work well) he's usually dry. You could also put a blowdrier on cool air and low and blow dry the area. You want to keep dry areas dry (armpits/ under neck). Those are 2 places you can pat some baby powder on. Diaper Areas need the creams and their bodies you can put oil or lotion on. GL

OH and to JOY C. Some creams like A%26amp;D prevent Diaper Rashes! So you put it on all the time. Not just when you have a diaper Rash.
I always used petroleum jelly. That helps keep dampness away and prevent rash.. My daughter is now 13 months old and has had 1 rash. It's cheaper than expensive creams...however when a baby gets a rash, or even if their cheeks get wind-chapped, check you local pharmacy or retail store such as wal-mart and get Boudroux's wonders!!
i think that it will be fine as long as u dried it with a towel best u can most are petrolleum based soit will be ok
usually corn starch does the trick

last time I went to my grandmas house and she saw my babys diaper rash she asked what I was using I said some Desitin and she pulled out a yellow box with corn starch and told me to put it on him at first I didnt believe her but then It went away very quickly

so now i used it all the time even when my baby isn't with a diaper rash so when he pees he's butt doesn't get wet
I have used the diaper rash cream when the baby was a little damp. It does stay on, but if you are using the cream to prevent the rash there is no need. One way that you can prevent diaper rash is to use baby oil in that area after properly wiping the baby after diaper change. I have a 2 month old baby girl and 2 boys(7%26amp;4). I find that the baby oil is the best thing and cheaper than the cream. Good Luck and Congrats!!!
I would try a towel. That usually dries people off.
Just dry your baby with a soft towel it wont hurt the baby..
well depending on how old she is, you are not suppose to use baby powerd on her in that area it will sill her up. Ask your Dr.
Preheat oven to 375...

Every girl has wetness in that area. As long as you towel dry it is safe to put on the cream. My daughter had a lot of diaper rashes and this is what my doctor told me because I had the same concern.
I'm confirming the lady who said cornstarch. We also use Burt's Bees diaper creme and, sometimes, the powder. But, the cornstarch is very cheap (less than $1/box if you buy generic) and it works fast and great. It's better than any cream I've ever used. We put it on as a preventative when we go on long car rides-even on my two year old who's potty-trained. It just keeps the whole area nice and dry.

Also, to dry the area faster, I take the clean diaper and use it as a make-shift fan. I fan my son's bottom until it's mostly dry and then put cream on. He thinks it's pretty fun too and it keeps him from putting his hands on his penis while I'm trying to put the clean diaper on him!

G-d bless you and baby!
That's great that you want to prevent a rash, but you may just be wasting time. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Some babies are lucky in that they don't get rashes easily. Mine is almost 3mos. and has never had the slightest trouble. I don't use wipes unless he's dirty. (as I've read wipes are often what causes babys skin to get irritated) I just pull off the wet diaper, sprinkle some baby powder(the kind w/corn starch in it) and stick on a new one. I've never had the need to put a cream on him, and won't unless he gets a rash.
why dont you try using a towel properly, otherwise rub your baby with baby oil wait for to dry with clothes on, do this of a morning so she is ready to be creamed at night, which is better as she is unable to roll it, or rub it off.or just put a towel underneath them on the floor and let them be. where are you wanting to dry and cream exactly, as there are many ways to dry different parts of the body
liquid baby powder stuff is great i use it all the time
get a towel and dry her off. baby powder for girls can also cause yeast infections so discourage the use of it on girls. when changing her diaper take it off clean her and take a towel and dry the area. then apply the cream. it is okay if she is a little damp, but towel drying should be enough to dry her skin.
You know what baby powder is not all that bad. Don't use a puff. Dab some on your hands and apply it on her. Also you could use cornstarch as someone suggested here. Relax, be easy with your baby. I feel that you are a Little tense about her. Just sit back and enjoy. Everyone figures things out, especially someone like you who is so concerned about her child.
Huggies has a liquid powder that you can try. I know it sounds silly but it is liquid. You put it on like you are putting on lotion and watch how it will form into a powdery substance.
after towel drying use a hair dryer set on low or warm, test temp on your damp arm, they love it when it is blown over the rest of them including a quick blow over the face. lots of laughs and a dry happy baby..
corn starch, corn starch , corn starch.

Baby powder has ground shell or rock in it. Smells good but not good for babys skin.

If there is no rash and you just want to protect the skin. Cream first, even on warm moist baby skin, then corn starch over. A dry bottom feels good . The corn starch will give baby a dry bottom safely.
Go to BabiesRUs and buy a pack of cloth diapers. Keep them on the changing table to dry off baby's rear end. They are very absorbent. Towels lose their absorbancy the more Downy you use. These are much better. They are great to have in your diaper bag too. They can be spit up rags, bibs, changing pads, etc.. just throw them in the wash and re-use.

After you blot their rear ends, just put on the cream and diaper and you are good to go! Good Luck!
Never put powder, oil, cream, zinc ointment etc on damp skin. Pat it dry with a soft baby washcloth. Then put Petroleum jelly (vaseline or any brand) or baby zinc powder, or zinc ointment if you think a diaper rash is coming on. Otherwise just use vaseline at every diaper change. I have kids and this is what I did and they didn't get diaper rash. P.S. Air drying if very healthy and unlike boy babies, girls do not have this sensitivity to the air.
Leaving myson ';bock nick-ett'; (naked) for 3-5 minutes after his bath leaves him pretty dry. I know it's a risk, especially when they're not potty trained. The trick is to follow them around for the whole 3-5 minutes with a towel, just in case of an accident. My son, who is 21 months is too busy trying to run away from me that he doesnt have time to stop and pee or soil anything. If you leave them alone, they get preoccupied with stuff that makes them want to pause and relax their muscles, that's when most accidents happen in the nude. He's got this mastered pretty well now, that I am confident he'll even be better prepared to learn to control his bladder and bowels when he's ready to be potty trained... but if this is still too risky or time consuming for your schedule, I have read that it's alright to use a blow dryer on the COLD setting. DO NOT use any heat because what may be okay for our taste may be too hot for a child to tell you or even notice themselves, it can damage their skin... good luck!!!

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